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An Organized Move

An Organized Move

Moving makes you realize how much you really have. It can be daunting to pack up, especially if you have a room or two that is messy and full of stuff.  Here are some tips to help you stay organized while you move. Organize Before You Pack Place your clothes and items into three piles:

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How To Move Your Wardrobe Seattle Movers - the best way to pack clothes

How To Move Your Wardrobe

The Best Way to Pack Clothes When you move, your different items needs to be packed differently, especially when you are packing clothing. Here are some tips on how to pack clothing and the different items in your wardrobe for moving. best way to pack clothes Clothes on Hangers 1.) Purchase Several Wardrobe Boxes For

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Seattle Movers will remain open during this time and we want to do our part to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community.